Going gray is a natural part of the aging process
Hair turning Gray is nothing to be ashamed of. At Going Gray Looking Great, we want to make you feel comfortable with your natural Gray hair.
Choice Of Gray With Natural Beauty
Basic Beauty Tips
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Highlights and Lowlights for Gray Hair
We can your hair look natural while ensure that the Gary locks are perfect for your face.
Our Blog
The Way of Life
The secret of people going beautifully grey is not only a way of life but а way of thinking. Discovering the beauty in every little thing and the way you look at the world around you. Finding yourself happy with the simple things and being glad that you are alive and living at the fullest. This all is visible in the movement and behaviour of those who live that way. It is noticeable in their face and you can even see it through their smile. And for one to feel happy, he needs to be content with everything he does and to do it with willingness and pleasure. And let’s not forget that dreams are important too and as Sir Anthony Hopkins said, “I love life because what more is there?”!
Do You Really Need To Change Your Wardrobe? Or Your Colors?
It is true that you’ve got a whole new color to contend with. (Forget the no-color, no-pigment thing. When it comes to integrating your hair into a whole fashion look, it is a color!) And that’s enough to make you feel like you need to change your wardrobe. It’s different than going blonde, women have told me. At least then you have some tone to build color choices around. White or silvered hair gives you no clues. Like a blank slate. Consider this an opportunity.
Show Your Hair You Care
There’s no doubt about it – gray hair can be glorious! But you’ve got to keep it that way. Does it take any more “work” than pigmented hair? Not really. Any kind of hair can have problems — frizz, dryness, dullness, limpness — and if you’ve always done the right things for your hair, you’ll find the care and treatment of gray hair a snap.
The most important thing to achieve is the look of healthy, shining hair. Admittedly, this is a little trickier, as un-pigmented hair loses much of its ability to reflect light. Carmine Minardi, co-owner and Style Director of the world-famous Minardi Salon in New York City, notes that there’s a “liberating feeling when women first go gray.” While that’s very much a natural reaction, he also finds a few years down the road “women want to do something to improve the quality of their hair.” Why not start NOW? Click on the links at right to find out how.
How Do You Get From Here To Gray?
GOING GRAY? Maybe you’re not. Maybe you’re going platinum. Or pewter. Or sterling, snow, silver, ice or pearl. Think of it this way: it may not be your birth color, but the effect is a true and honest overall color. If we change the way we think about gray, about the fading, the aging, and think about it as a viable color choice, it changes our way of thinking about gray hair.
Just as we don’t say “yellow” for blonde hair, we don’t have to say gray. Giving your gray a new name is more than semantics. It implies an attitude about gray, an acceptance of its natural beauty. Its pure, yes, color. It’s time for the way we perceive gray to change. When people compliment my “gray” hair, I say “Thank you, but it’s really pewter with ice highlights.” Try it.
going through “the change.”
There are lots of ways to play with gray, lots of ways to “survive” the whole process, and look fabulous every step of the way. The book gives you really four choices, which you can explore in depth in Chapter 3. But click on any of the choices on the right if you want some quick tips.
Here’s a model runway shot for all you gals who hate your roots. Okay, hers are in-reverse (white hair, blonde roots), but the message seems to be – if you’ve got ‘em, flaunt ‘em! Transitioning can be tough, but put a smile on your face and walk that catwalk, girl! Take a look at Café Gray, too, for great Member tips.
Gray Hairstyles Gallery
While most hairstyle sites show hundreds of styles, very few (if any) are shown on women with gray, silver, charcoal, or transitioning hair. And that’s a pity. So here, photographed on our own Members, are some of the favorite styles Silver Sisters gravitate to. With the exception of a few shots from the original book, most of our gals didn’t have the benefit of hair and makeup artists, studio lighting, or any of the other tricks of the trade that make hair pop and shine. But this is a good thing. Because it shows “real life” gray, the way it looks most days. And, as some of the pictures below show women actually in the transitioning process, you’ll get a chance to see how some of these styles work with color tips still on the ends. Browse through. You’ll get an idea or two for your next appointment.
new do’s
It’s staring to happen! There are now a few stylin’ sites that are turning their artistic attention to silver hair! Granted, some of them are “out there,” but “dancing icicles” seem to inspire stylists, as well as creative plays with highlights and lowlights.
The Incredible Secrets of Gray Haired Women
Many females of middle-aged women have black, brown, or any coloured hair but having gray hair is quite common at certain point. But many women and ladies think that gray is the cause of aging process. Actually, various woman doesn’t realize that the cause of gray hair is because this hair occurs when the coloured cell does not create the pigment. This produced pigment is the reason which can make hair to be in black color. The women mostly have this kind of hair when they are going to be of age fifty. The reason of getting gray hair is not because of aging but it is mainly a cause of deficiency of vitamin B 12 or due to few health issues.
As many don’t know this thing, they utilize different colouring dye products such as demi permanent or semi-permanent colours. They tend to use hair sprays or utilize certain shampoos for not getting gray hair. Some highlight their hair by scattering the strands of gray hair so as to mix up with your actual coloured hair. But on the other side some people embrace or love having the gray hair. They love their gray hair and dye it with different coloured dyes to make it a different hairstyle. There are some secrets that gray hair woman follow or tips is making them to love being a gray haired person.
What are the top secrets followed by gray haired woman?
It is already mentioned that some people don’t like to embrace the gray hair and some other do love having this kind of hair. The women who embrace it has secrets or follow the tips to fully love their gray hair.
Having gray hair don’t mean that of giving up on your appearance or look. But actually, it is actually quite opposite. As most of the ladies’ stress about being gray haired person that it will mute their look of the skin tone. But the women who love to have gray hair chooses the shade of lipstick or look that is best suitable to their gray hair. They think having this hair provides optional luxury which can be matching to their maxi dress which is stunningly jewel made one.
As few think gray hair is due to aging procedure. The women who embrace the gray hair don’t think it as a prize or reward, they think it is an option of wearing it. They also feel having these hair strands is not by aging but power lies within them of wearing it with the confidence. These ladies feel to embrace this silver strands having a great confidence levels and give time for better methods of colouring it or keep it as gray coloured hair.
Some Additional pampering is required for the gray hair because unlike blonde hair, gray hair needs more attention to style or dye with different hues. Since silver hairs build up their shading by losing color, they are drier than their strands that are first. This hair needs a little finishing up in a spa or saloon visits for keeping it new and shiny. Sustain yourself to have better nourishing shampoo in your routine to keep your strands saturated. Thus, these are few of the secrets which are considered by gray haired women that embrace and love to have it.